I like taking pics of bugs, they are so hard to photograph sometimes. But even when they aren’t it’s still exciting. Look at their tiny lives!
Spring Warmup 2020
It’s Cinco de Mayo. Americans who regularly exploit this holiday for a reason to binge drink are now coupling that with some newly fostered pandemic induced alcoholism. Hold onto your hats!!
Coronavirus still reigns supreme in the news. It’s not going anywhere.
A lot of us are trying to figure out ways to keep busy and stay motivated. I am definitely struggling some days. Other days I thrive. It’s a back and forth.
I’ve been trying to draw, cook, bake, write, read, and take pictures when I can (feel like it.)
I occasionally play the saxophone if my roommate is out. I get stage fright.
I still can’t help but feel like i’m procrastinating on projects… So much down time that you’ve never had before and suddenly there’s this urge to get as much stuff done while you can. Your brain can feel like it’s being pulled in both directions at once, and it kind of hurts if you’re not so flexible.
In light of that: Some days I chain smoke cannabis, other days I barely light up until bed time. I have only drank a few times during quarantine. Solo drunk is not quite my schtick anymore… although occasional Zoom meetings with friends will make you do crazy things… Since quarantine started I’ve taken acid and mushrooms. The acid was terrifying (not my first time) and the mushrooms were delightful (as they normally are.) My dreams have been far more vivid and memorable since tripping, in a good way. I seldom remember my dreams. I’d like to recall more of them.
I don’t take psychedelic drugs often, but I do feel that they provide a fascinating release. It’s almost like a form of therapy. Hence my taking them during quarantine. My good friend refers to it as a “mental flossing.” I like that.
I’ve also managed to stay healthy. Tightening my budget as a precautionary measure prevents me from eating tons of garbage, believe it or not. Veges have become a staple.
My favorite healthy activity is running. I run a lot. I like to run as often as I can. I love to run in the heat, so it’s only getting better. I just have to go easy because I am prone to injury… I have been resting this week thanks to my knee. Twisted it earlier this week just walking around the house… it’s always the simplest things that get you.
I’ve also visited my friend Hass a few times since this whole thing started. We maintain a socially acceptable distance whilst walking his new puppy, Bronson in Fort Greene Park. He’s a Pomsky. Pomeranian Husky in case that didn’t click. He’s adorable.
Bronson the Pomsky
But there’s always work to be done.
I’ve recently just completed a massive photo library overhaul, which is a major triumph for me. Nearly 25,000 photos relocated from various sources onto an organized and dedicated drive. 7 years of pictures once carelessly strewn about have now been properly corralled. Woo!
I’m also trying to attempt a podcast type scenario. I’m no expert in anything (except maybe Chinese buffets), or a fanatic of any kind really, but I love to connect and talk and laugh over just about anything with everyone. I have been experimenting with it in quarantine. I think I’ll put something on here soon… stay tuned.
This is the first time I’ve written anything here in a long time. It feels good! I think I’ll do it more often. Hopefully there is more (good stuff) to talk about in the future!
In the mean time here are some pictures. Some were taken over the last week. A few others are from some other recent times, I just uncovered them recently while pilfering through my catalog.
I must say, although I desperately crave to return to normal life, I am thoroughly enjoying the down time to relax. Especially when it’s been so nice out. Blessed to have a private backyard in this concrete jungle.
click on these to see the full image
My wonderful Grandma. Granny Joanie! This was last October.
We spoke on the phone the other day. She had some wise words to share regarding the strange times we live in. She said to keep the faith and to stay out of trouble. I’m incredibly thankful for her.
“If you can't be good, be careful!”
Stay positive. Talk to your loved ones. This too shall pass!
See you later